7 Things You Should Know About the Facts Regarding Health Supplements
By Team Muscletrail
14 December, 2022
We are surrounded by supplements from all sides. All those supplements are termed helpful for our overall health and well-being. You are reading this article because you might be trying to combat a vitamin or mineral deficiency or lower your risk of certain diseases. Or there might be a case where you are just feeling proactive about your health after crossing paths with a supplement that promises to enhance your health.
The recommendations for health supplements can be found everywhere, and due to so much availability, it has become hard to know which supplements to purchase and which to avoid. Even though a lot of supplements are quite beneficial to your health and wellness, there are contrasting pieces of evidence, and therefore, it becomes important to know which supplement would be perfect for you!
Supplements can appear in several forms, such as amino acids, vitamins, healthy oils, botanical extracts, and fatty acids, with active ingredients isolated from particular plants or amalgamation of any of these. Well, before you start searching for the best pre workout supplements India, you must have a look at these seven things that you must know in relation to health supplements.
Top Seven Things You Must Know About the Health Supplements Facts
Supplements are Regulated but May Not be Tested and Proven Safe
You must be aware of the fact that the supplement industry is worth over $30 billion, and there are over 80,000 varieties of supplements in the market. It should be noted that while the prescription medication undergoes stringent testing and clinical trials before they are prescribed to the consumer, not all the supplements are clinically tested and tried.
Given the fact that they are moderately unregulated, customers don’t realize that health supplements can be inappropriate or even contaminated. It all depends on the underlying health conditions, interchanges with other medications, or toxic substances.
Your Physician Must be Aware of the Supplements You Take
There are some supplements in the market that carry the potential to interfere with the action of prescription medications via a number of different processes. Along with this, there are some supplements that might be inappropriate for people with certain chronic diseases. It’s advised that if you are taking supplements, make sure that you tell your doctor.
Excess calcium in your supplements can promote coronary artery disease. Alongside this, niacin is able to elevate blood sugar in diabetics. Patients who are suffering from hemochromatosis, which is a disorder including too much iron in the body, must avoid Vitamin C and iron.
Supplements Can’t Replace a Healthy Diet and Exercise
A balanced healthy diet can be considered a base for good health, restful sleep, regular exercise, not smoking, and a good social network. Multi Vitamins, minerals, and other supplements won’t replace what a balanced diet can provide your body. However, it should be noted that supplements can be utilized well for filling in the nutritional gaps and improving our health.
It is explained that prescription antacid PPIs can drain magnesium, while glucose-management medication such as metformin can cause a deficiency of Vitamin B12.
Supplements Have High-Risk Drug Interactions
There are certain supplements in the market that carry the possibility of interacting with your medications or contributing to the increment of the risk of experiencing side effects from medications. What adds to the risk factor is the fact that some supplements are known to carry an increased risk of liver damage, while others might decrease the blood’s ability to clot.
Vitamin E, when consumed in excess, can increase the risk of uncontrolled bleeding or hemorrhage. Similarly, when Vitamin D is consumed in excess, it leads to a rise in symptoms such as weight loss, poor appetite, and heart arrhythmias.
Supplements Have Side Effects
Supplements are capable of carrying risks similar to those of effects of pharmaceutical drugs, from an upset stomach and diarrhea to deterring with hormonal birth control along with other damages. It is important to do your own research before settling for a supplement that might lead to some serious health conditions.
More Supplements Doesn’t Mean Better Health
There are a lot of independent testing firms that obtain samples of supplements from various retailers and test them to see if they actually have what they have mentioned on the label. Also, it should be noted that if you take more supplements, there is no such thing that can confirm whether it will be beneficial to you or not. Therefore, it is important to get your supplements from a brand that offers the best bodybuilding supplements in India.
Some Supplements are Validated by Clinical Trials
Not all supplements have a risk factor associated with them, as there are some supplements in the market that have already been validated by clinical trials. Just ensure that if you are ever doubtful about your supplements, you must consult your physician so that you can use the supplements to contribute to your health better.
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