Which is the Best Post Workout Veg Meal?

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Which is the Best Post Workout Veg Meal?


By Team Muscletrail
06 February, 2024

You just had a vigorous and energetic workout and while heading back, you can hear the growling of your stomach. This happens almost every other day and you are left clueless with the limited number of vegetarian dishes.  If you are a health enthusiast and a vegetarian, then this blog is specially for you. It is a perceived fact that due to the limited number of vegetarian dishes, gym-goers find it difficult to understand which preparations will be favourable as their post-workout meal. This blog will not only offer you several recipes but also help understand why the post-workout meal is such a big deal. 

Why is a Post-Workout Meal Such a Big Thing?

Before delving into the list of sumptuous and healthy post-workout meals, it is important to understand why it holds such significance. Here comes scientific explanations - when you work out, your body utilizes the glucose which is a form of sugar or carbohydrate accumulated in your muscles, as glycogen, for fuelling the workout. Moreover, if you are more into strength training, you would need proper nutrition for muscle recovery and growth. And, a sports drink is not enough for this. 

Therefore, right after you finish your workout, you need to refuel your glycogen level. But, you also need to be mindful of the food that you are consuming. It is essential to consume a muscle gainer or similar things that help you build muscle and achieve your fitness objectives. 

To sum it up, your post-workout meal needs to be a proper mix of protein and carbohydrates. Proteins act by building muscle and carbohydrates by topping up glycogen levels. 

Must-Have Post-Workout Vegetarian Meal Options

All the vegetarian people, you would be delighted to know that the options are endless. From chocolate milk to chickpeas, you can consume an assortment of meals. Let us check them out. 

  1. Oatmeal
    If you have been considering oatmeal as only a breakfast option then you are wrong! Oatmeal holds the ability to turn into a mouthwatering post-workout meal, just with the right recipe. Oats when blended with milk are a great source of carbohydrates, protein, and some fiber as well. 
  2. Sweet Potato and Lentil Salad
    Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates and when combined with lentil can be tasty as well. Lentils are plant-based protein, and when all of these are mixed with fresh veggies and a dash of olive oil, the taste instantly levels up. 
  3. Smoothies
    Smoothies are undoubtedly life-savers and time-savers. It takes hardly a  few minutes to prepare a smoothie. If you are one of those people who cannot savour a meal post-workout, then this will be the ideal meal. Let us check out some of the smoothie options:


  1. Berry Orange Creamsicle Smoothie: All you need is a medium-sized frozen banana, a cup of blueberries, a medium orange chopped and chopped into pieces, ¼ cup rolled oats, and ⅓ cup low-fat Greek yoghurt. Then just blend until it becomes all smooth and delicious. 
  2. Chocolate Smoothie: This is for all the chocolate lovers - why not give yourself a little treat after a rigorous workout? Just take 1 cup of milk, a tbsp of raw cocoa powder, ¼ cup rolled oats, 1 tbsp peanut butter, 1 medium frozen banana, 1 tbsp chia seeds, 1 scoop of chocolate whey protein from Muscle Trail, and 1-3 ice cubes. Then blend it till it becomes smooth and creamy, then slurp it down. 

4. Quinoa Delight

Quinoa, which is frequently praised as a complete protein, is a great option for a post-workout meal. It contains vital amino acids in addition to a significant amount of protein. For a hearty and filling supper, try a quinoa bowl with lots of vibrant veggies and a tahini dressing.

5. Tofu and Vegetable Stir Fry

Soybean-based tofu is a great way to get protein from plants. Stir-fry tofu with a rainbow of colourful veggies for a high-protein dinner that's also packed with vitamins and minerals that are essential for healing after physical activity.

6. Banana or Apple with Peanut Butter

If you want a fruity retreat, you can try your hands on a banana or apple with peanut butter. It will simply take a few minutes and is often termed the best post-workout meal for office-goers.  In this meal, you will get the perfect mix of both healthy fats and protein. The nut in the butter works great in appeasing your post-workout appetite. 

If you are serious about building a healthy life, along with these vegetarian options, you can choose to consume Muscle Trail’s thoughtfully prepared muscle gainer. Every muscle gainer is aimed at attaining physical strength, nutrition, and complete muscle recovery. If you are on a mission to gain weight, on the other hand, you can also try out our weight gainer supplement made of 100% natural ingredients.   

Variety is essential when trying to find a vegetarian lunch that fulfils all of your nutritional requirements after an exercise. Play around with different ratios of whole grains, colourful veggies, and plant-based meats to make sure you're getting all the nutrients you need while enjoying flavours that please your palate. Never forget that the ideal post-workout meal is one that fulfils your nutritional needs, advances your physical objectives, and—above all—brings happiness to your cooking endeavours.


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